Christmas season road trips: top picks for electric cars

Are you planning your vacation? Italy or a European capital? No matter your destination, you can go electric! We present two very different but equally thrilling itineraries.

We can’t predict where you’ll go on vacation, but we can show you that Christmas holidays in an electric car are entirely possible! Here are 2 travel proposals in Italy and Europe for this December.


From Rome to Cortina? You Bet!


A perfect Christmas destination and a perfect itinerary for electric travelers.

We tried it out for you!

Our friends Alice, Andrea, and Valentina documented their journey from Rome to Cortina by electric in a series of videos, to show how easy it is to travel around Italy with an electric car without worrying about range.


Leaving at 9:30 a.m. from Rome, they traveled the nearly 700km route in eight hours and stopped twice during the trip to recharge.

Not bad, right?


The range anxiety didn’t really kick in. Consider that there are 10 different Free To X charging stations along the entire stretch of highway they traveled, which is operated by Autostrade per l’Italia, so they were really spoiled for choice in deciding when to stop and recharge.

In addition, with Free To X high-powered charging stations, charging times can be reduced to 15-20 minutes: just enough time to stretch your legs and have a coffee.


Yes: Rome-Cortina by electric it’s a go!


Trans Europe Trip: from Milan to Santa’s House in Lapland


You can now go anywhere with an EV, even to Santa Claus’s place! To be absolutely sure, we tried planning an electric route all the way to Lapland. Destination: “Santa Claus Village,” the theme park considered the “home of Santa Claus.”

Result? A somewhat lengthy trip but definitely doable. A true on-the-road holiday like some of you have surely experienced. Long, with stops, but that’s what makes it unforgettable.

Here are some details to give the full picture:

  • Distance: 3187 km
  • Actual driving time: 30 hours and 23 minutes
  • Charging stops: approximately 10
  • Total charging hours: less than 5 (considering that with over 30 hours of travel, a few longer stops will be crucial for grabbing a bite!)
  • Available road charging stations: more than 30


Is it a long journey? Yes.

Would Santa Claus be quicker to come to you with his sleigh? Certainly, yes.

What matters is that it can be done. In electric, you can travel even to the North Pole if you really want to embark on this adventure.
Happy holidays!

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