Electric or Hydrogen? The race for sustainability in the automotive sector

The automotive industry is undergoing a major revolution. While electric mobility is now an established and growing reality, hydrogen remains an evolving technology.

In recent years, sustainability has become a central theme in the world of transportation. The need to reduce CO₂ emissions and combat climate change has driven automakers to seek innovative solutions for the future. Among the most promising alternatives, electric and hydrogen-powered cars are at the center of the debate. But which of these two technologies is set to dominate the future of mobility? Let’s find out together.


Battery electric cars: features and operation


Battery electric cars are undoubtedly the stars of sustainable mobility today. They run on an electric motor powered by a rechargeable battery, which stores electrical energy. When driving an electric car, the motor converts the energy stored in the battery into motion, avoiding the use of fossil fuels. This means zero CO₂ emissions while driving and a reduced environmental impact compared to conventional cars.


One of the main features of electric cars is the ability to recharge the battery via charging stations, increasingly common in cities and along highways. The range of an electric car depends on the type of vehicle chosen and the battery capacity, which can range from about 150 km for purely urban cars to more than 600 km with more advanced models. Although charging time may seem a potentially limiting factor for novices, with the evolution of infrastructure and fast-charging technologies,times are gradually shrinking.


What are hydrogen cars and how they work


Hydrogen cars are one of the alternatives that are gaining attention. Unlike electric cars, hydrogen cars run on fuel cells, which convert the chemical energy of hydrogen into electricity. Basically, hydrogen stored in a tank inside the vehicle is sent to the fuel cell, where it reacts with oxygen in the air and produces electricity, which is used to run the electric motor. The end result is similar to that of an electric car: no CO₂ emissions, only water vapor as a byproduct of the chemical reaction.


One of the main features of hydrogen-powered cars is the speed of refueling: in as little as 3 to 5 minutes, the tank can be fully recharged, providing a range that, in some cases, exceeds 600 km. However, while electric cars are spreading rapidly due in part to the expansion of the charging network, the infrastructure for hydrogen refueling is still extremely limited due to the high complexity of station construction and complexity of hydrogen distribution. Hydrogen refueling stations are few and located mainly in certain geographical areas, making the use of hydrogen cars still impractical.


Hydrogen vs Electric:main differences


The main difference between electric and hydrogen cars lies in the type of power supply. Electric cars recharge via batteries that store electricity, while hydrogen cars use a high-pressure tank to store hydrogen, which powers a fuel cell to generate electricity and run the engine.


Another aspect to consider is range. Hydrogen cars tend to have a longer range than electric cars due to the high energy density of hydrogen. However, the factor that makes electric cars more popular is the availability of charging stations. In Italy, in fact, the charging network  of electric cars is steadily expanding, and more and more charging stations are being found along highways and in cities, such as those offered by Free To X.


In contrast, the infrastructure for hydrogen refueling is still under development. This results in high access difficulty and limited availability of refueling stations. In addition, large-scale hydrogen production is still expensive and depends, in many cases, on sources that are not always sustainable. Ninety-six percent of the world’s hydrogen is produced by reforming, while only 4 percent is green hydrogen, or hydrogen produced by electrolysis from renewable energy. In contrast, the energy delivered by charging stations is overwhelmingly certified renewable: on the Free To X network it is 100% so!


What type of technology for the future of automotive?


The question many people are asking is: which of these technologies will be the most widely used in the future? The answer is not simple, as both solutions have advantages and disadvantages.
Electric cars are now the most practical choice for those seeking a sustainable mobility solution. The network of charging stations is growing at an accelerated rate, and as batteries evolve ,electric cars are becoming increasingly affordable and high-performance.Battery range  continues to improve and the cost to decrease, making the electric car a very attractive choice for those who want to reduce their environmental impact and enjoy a quiet and smooth driving experience. In addition, electric cars boast very high wheel efficiency compared to all competing technologies, including hydrogen.


Hydrogen cars, could have a role in the future, especially for commercial and long-distance vehicles. The speed of refueling and longer range are advantages that could push this technology into areas where range and long distances are critical. However, hydrogen remains a niche technology, at least until the refueling network is expanded and production and maintenance costs are reduced.


The race toward a more sustainable future in mobility is in full swing, and both electric and hydrogen cars are on track to make a difference. It is likely that we will see a combination of both solutions in the coming years, with electric continuing to dominate for light mobility and hydrogen being a viable option for ultra-heavy transport, aviation, or shipping, even with its challenges. What is important is that the transition to greener mobility has already begun, and the future looks to be decidedly electric-and perhaps even hydrogen.

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