The power of the sun (and more): renewables powering electric mobility in Italy

Learn how renewable energy is revolutionizing electric mobility in Italy, offering sustainable and innovative solutions for the future of transportation.

Italy, with its favorable climate and growing awareness of environmental sustainability, is embracing the transition to greener mobility. Central to this shift is renewable energy, which is playing a crucial role in providing an environmentally friendly alternative to fossil fuels.


All renewable energy sources serving electric mobility


Electric mobility is no longer limited to solar energy alone. In Italy, a combination of renewable sources is emerging as the key to a sustainable future.


Wind power, for example, is becoming increasingly important, with wind farms providing clean electricity that is also available for charging electric vehicles. Similarly, hydropower, thanks to the presence of numerous rivers and lakes, continues to be a valuable resource.
In addition, biomass and geothermal energy offer additional ways to diversify energy sources while limiting CO2 emissions.


What are the benefits of electric mobility powered by renewable energy


The adoption of renewable energy to power electric mobility offers several benefits. First, it drastically reduces greenhouse gas emissions, helping to combat climate change. In addition, using clean energy improves air quality, reducing air pollution in cities.


Then there is an economic aspect: already, the cost of driving an electric car (i.e., the cost of the energy needed to travel one kilometer) is generally lower than that of a diesel or gasoline car (depending on the costs associated with the different systems available for charging).
The increasing share of electricity generated from renewable sources may make this economic advantage increasingly sustainable


The growth of renewable energy in Italy


In recent years, Italy has made great strides in the development of renewable energy. According to data from IRENA (the intergovernmental agency for renewable energy), our country is among the top 10 countries in the world in solar energy production.
Italy takes advantage of its sunny climate to generate a significant amount of solar energy, which is increasingly being used to power electric vehicle charging infrastructure. In fact, from 2020 to the present, the growth of photovoltaics is up sharply from previous years.


Wind power, although less widespread than solar, is growing steadily, with new installations becoming more common along coastlines and in mountainous areas.
Hydropower, to which we alone owe 39 percent of the renewable energy produced in Italy, also continues to play a key role in the country’s energy mix. Its growth is small because most of the water reservoirs useful for energy production are already equipped with power generation facilities.


Renewable energy is revolutionizing electric mobility in Italy. Through the combination of solar, wind, hydropower and other renewable resources, the country is taking significant steps toward a more sustainable and green future. This not only reduces the environmental impact of transportation, but also provides economic and social opportunities for local communities.
With the increasing adoption of electric vehicles and the expansion of charging infrastructure  ,Italy is well on its way to becoming a role model for sustainable mobility

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